Why Data Science?

Nick Anderson
2 min readDec 14, 2020


I chose data science because I’m an INTJ. “Architects may struggle to find people who can keep up with their nonstop analysis of everything around them”. The INTJ description says it best, my life is a nonstop analysis of numbers and data and I’m always analyzing the best way to do things based on concrete data. Whenever a new game comes out, I’m one of the first to recognize patterns and identify optimal strategy. It could be a simple board game, or an advanced video game. Another reason why I started on my data science journey is because: “Architects question everything. Many personality types trust the status quo, relying on conventional wisdom and other people’s expertise as they go about their lives. But ever-skeptical Architects prefer to make their own discoveries.” I don’t enjoy when others try to write narratives and frame the world in their own skewed view. I prefer instead, to look at the world through an unbiased and clear lens through which to judge solely based off of concrete data and facts. The famous saying of “there are lies, damned lies, and statistics” may sound like an insult to people who view data in this way, but its mostly just a phrase to describe the immense power behind numbers, especially numbers backed by significant repeatable data. I think that by becoming a data scientist, in the future I can help others view the world through the same unbiased lens and make clearer decisions for their lives. Coming from a background in Economics, understanding the cost/benefit analysis and the cause and effect relationship between possible choices, data science can help lead individuals to making the best possible decisions in life. Helping those who aren’t as a keen to the statistics in their life is one of my biggest goals. Given these, my question would be…why not data science?

